Here's why saving the bees is so important.

Bees are possibly the most important species in terms of humanity’s survival, as they are essential to pollinating the majority of plants that constitute most of mankind’s food source.
Despite this, the bee population has been declining in previous years due to our way of agriculture and climate change. In Europe, the EFSA has reported mass death of bees due to pesticides and a fertiliser called neonicotinoid. These chemicals disrupt the learning circuits in the bee’s brains and prevent them from knowing how to do certain simple tasks. This leads to their eventual demise, due to their inability to feed themselves.
Another cause of mass bee death, is the Varroa mite, a parasite that feeds on bees blood. The parasite will cause the bee’s offspring to die or be born with deformities that do not allow them to perform basic functions. Pesticides such as neonicotinoid used to be employed to deal with these parasites, however, Varroa mites quickly develop immunity to these chemicals.
In addition, air pollution and changes in the atmosphere makes it more difficult for bees to navigate crops that need to be pollinated, and reduces the quality of the nectar.
At the alarming rate, the bee population is declining the possibility of extinction of their species becomes much more realistic, which comes with terrible consequences. All food products relying on bees will become unavailable, causing businesses relying on these products to go bankrupt. Not only does it bode for a collapse of the agricultural economy, but we also would not be able to provide enough food for the world’s current population. The food available to the public would half, making the problem of overpopulation a fatal factor.
This gives us an indisputable reason for helping this species. Have a look at our other articles for ways on how you can help bees.