Inspired by Project Green Challenge

Soil is everywhere, and much too often overlooked in the climate discussion. Our earth is undergoing great change at the moment. The role of soil must be considered. However, soil is becoming infertile and polluted. Pollutants in the soil have numerous consequences for all of us. We need to consider what we can do on a smaller scale to help the bigger issue...
One large cause of soil pollution comes from mass farming, of both livestock and food. Particularly the fertilisers are harmful. So, be aware when buying food. What is the impact of this food. If you can afford it, consider biologically friendly options, this benefits more than only soil. Perhaps also consider your meat intake, and see if it is possible for you to reduce this.
This leads to the next action you can take, namely supporting businesses. Support businesses who consider the environment, and their impact. By doing this you allow these businesses to continue doing good, and indicate to companies who aren't considering these factors that you find this important.
Another approach is considering your waste. When getting rid of batteries or other electronics, do so in the designated manner. This is something which is easy to do and free, so there isn't a reason not to do it.
On a smaller scale, consider your own garden (if you have one). What are you using to help your plants grow? Natural fertilisers are a great option (when used properly). They encourage plant growth, and make soil more rich. However, over fertilising and chemical fertilisers have negative impacts.
Recycle when you can. This helps the environment in countless ways. When waste goes to landfills it contributes to soil pollution. It has numerous negative impacts, and soil pollution is one. It often contaminates the ground beneath it, making it difficult to use in the future.
Soil is necessary for growing food and farming livestock, and so much more. Additionally it can also hold onto carbon which is extracted from the atmosphere by plants. Soil, much like water, is one of those things that makes life possible. By taking small steps individually we can do our part. On a larger scale there are also many changes to be made, including responsible farming practices and controlling industrial waste. As individuals it is difficult to make big changes to these things. But, as consumers we have more control. If you can afford it, try to support businesses who take these things into consideration and do your part to contribute.