In the dry summer bees have a difficult time getting to water. A lot of water sources are either moving, making it hard for them to drink it, or dried up. Bees need water for not only drinking, but also for the honey making process.

How to Make a Bee Bath
To make a bee bath you need a shallow tray, you can use a shallow pie tray or a rather flat shallow bird bath. Put this in a place in you garden that is a bit shady and is near plants. Fill the tray with water, it shouldn’t be too deep. Then add numerous marbles in the tray. You should make sure that the marbles stick out of the water to a certain extent. This will allow a bee to land on the marble and sip the water without fear of drowning. Instead of marbles you could also use rocks/pebbles. You can decorate the tray in many different ways to make it match your garden’s aesthetic. It will make your garden look nice as well as help the bees!
